St. Martha Statue
HAND PAINTED PLASTER STATUE – 13 Inches High & 6 Inches Width
Saint Martha is a biblical figure written in the New Testament in the Gospels of Luke and John. He is described living in the village of Bethany along with his brothers Lazarus of Bethany and Maria of Bethany, near Jerusalem. Jesus stayed in his house on at least three occasions. He witnessed the resurrection of Lazaro who was his brother. The church celebrates its day every year on July 29th. Her sanctuary is in La Iglesia de Santa Marta in Tarascon, where her relics are still preserved. She is the patron saint of cooks, maids, housewives, hoteliers, guest houses, laundresses and sisters of charity. Many times it is represented with a rubber band, a swab and a dragon at its feet. This was due to a legend that says that the dragon was the devil or evil in the land where Santa Marta managed to dominate it because holy water arrived in the cauldron and managed to give it to the dragon.
Oh, blessed Santa Marta that so many times you had the honor and the joy of hosting Jesus in the bosom of your family. Pray for me and for my family so that peace and mutual love may be preserved in it, so that all its members live in the observance of God and that only God and not the world or sin reign in our home. Take care of my family from all spiritual misfortunes, help me in the care of my children and subordinates and grant me the happiness of seeing them united in the unity of God so that I can see them in eternity. Amen.