St. Philomena Statue
Saint Philomena (from the Greek Φιλουμένη “the one who loves to sing” and which in turn is the name formerly given to nightingales) was a virgin and martyr of the Christian Church, martyred under the Roman Emperor Septimius in the year 202. She is probably one of the most popular and controversial saints in the history of Christianity, the discussions related to their life, historicity and worship, are agglomerated in a concept called “Philomenal Question”.
Philomena, considered a young martyr of the primitive Church, does not appear in any martyrology until the 19th century. On May 25, 1802, while archaeological excavations were being carried out in the catacombs of Santa Priscila, on the Via Salaria in Rome, a crypt sealed with three terracotta slabs was found; It was surrounded by symbols that allegedly alluded to the martyrdom and virginity of the person buried there.
The symbols were: anchor, three arrows, a palm and a flower. They bore the inscription “Lumena – Pax Te – Cum Fi.” By reading from the middle line according to the ancient tradition of starting the epitaph from this line, the correct text was obtained which would read as “Pax tecum Filumena”, which in Latin means “Peace be with you, Filomena.” When opening the tomb they discovered a skeleton that was made of small bones and noticed, at the same time, that the body had been pierced by arrows. When examining the remains, it was a young girl of 12 or 13 years old.
Near his head he had a broken vase that contained what was interpreted as dried blood, although other sources maintain that they were remains of perfumes. The container with remains of blood, was related to the custom of the first Christians when burying the martyrs; also by the sign of the palm. His body was later placed in an ebony box lined with silk and handed over to the Church on August 10, 1805. His relics were transferred to the Parish of the Virgen de la Gracia de Mugnano, where his sanctuary is located.
Oh glorious saint Philomena virgin and martyr, example of faith and hope, generous in charity I beg you for my prayer. From heaven where you reign, make fall on me the protection and help that I need at this time, please give me the grace that I ask of you. Amen.